Monday, June 1, 2009

this and that

once a great place...

i temporarily rescued a beagle mix last week. he was running down the sidewalk of a busy street. i grabbed him, went to the bike store and they cut a tube and tied it to his tagless collar. i took him home. unfortunately (for me), the owner called the pound right after i reported this little guy missing and then called me to schedule their reunion. his name was dewey, but i would have called him pepaw. it made me seriously want to adopt a dog again. but will one ever live up to patterson's legacy?

i can't get enough of sufjan stevens these days. i am particularly fond of his kcrw set from morning becomes eclectic. you can listen to it here.

my vegetable garden is look really schnazzy these days. i have the following veggies in the ground:
3 heirloom tomato plants and 1 plum tomato plant
3 sweet pepper plants (different varieties)
4 rainbow chard plants
3 beet plants
4 broccoli plants
4 brussel sprout plants
1 basil plant
1 dill plant

i got all of my plants and soil at urban roots.

i also temporarily got my knitting mojo back. i stumbled upon a yard sale from the former owner of the (no-longer-in-business) local yarn shop 'looped back'. i got some laceweight hand-dyed yarn and am knitting up a loose garter stitch scarf with it -- completely experimental. i love the fabric it's making. i also got some more of her lovely alpaca yarn.

i'll be gone lots this month -- which is good and bad. i have so much to do... so i should get to it.

in the mean time, check out bonnie 'prince' billy if he's playing live near you. his show in toronto was amazing. the helio sequence are also on tour and they rock. period. also, while in toronto, i went thrifting/shopping in the leslieville neighborhood. it was cool -- definitely worth visiting again.